Sunday, January 27, 2008

Super Hawt Twist to the Morning Routine

Recently, while strolling through Bed Bath & Beyond...I ran across these. Usually, I don't buy too many girly or especially, "As seen on TV," stuff. Not usually my cup of tea, well, since you can just use your average towel to wrap your hair up in-it never really crossed my mind that I needed to have these. At 31 years old the old trusty basic towel has never let me down. Oh but now I am just spoiled. They do work!...Less bulk, less blow-drying, more time to sip coffee, easy to clean and last but not least it is a special little something to add to your day. I now don't use just a plain ol towel, I use a "Twisty Towel."

Next on my list now, "Hot Totties":

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